题 目:非线性科学的潜能:科学与创新

The Potential of Nonlinear Science : Science and Innovation
报告人:中国工程院外籍院士,美国国家工程学院院士黄锷(Norden E. Huang)
时 间:2021年10月22日(周五) 10:00-12:00
地 点:逸夫报告厅
报告人简介:黄锷院士,中国工程院外籍院士,美国国家工程学院院士,中国台湾中央研究院院士。创建了希尔伯特-黄变换(HHT)的理论和方法,他所提出的理论和方法被国际学术界评价为“一场在非线性、非平稳时间序列分析方面的革命,是对应用 200 余年的傅里叶变换的一次思想和方法上的革新”,被美国NASA誉为“NASA历史上在应用数学方面
最重要的发现之一”。基于他“在分析非线性随机信号方面的杰出贡献”,2000年黄锷博士当选为美国工程院院士,并先后获得NASA杰出太空法案奖、NASA杰出技术成就奖、美国科技研发百杰奖和美国总统级荣誉奖等多个奖项。鉴于“在检测和完善 NASA 航天飞机,防震建筑,桥梁,潜艇,医药和其他方面的先驱性工作”,2006年美国政府授予黄锷博士“美国服务贡献奖”。最近黄锷博士进一步提出全息谱方法,作为高维流形的频谱使得特征显示更加清晰。黄锷博士发表论文200余篇,文章总被引用超过64000次,在数学、物理、力学、声学、医学、经济学、地球科学和工程应用等各个领域都得到了广泛的应用。
Innovations have to base on science. Now, we are facing a rare historic opportunity: the new developments of nonlinear science. We have in our hands new tools in data analysis that will unshackle us from the suffocating hold of linear science from the dawn of science and move into real nonlinear domain. The changes are wide in scope as well as deep in their implications: we have to redefine frequency, expanding the concept of spectral analysis, probability density and quantifying nonlinearity and complexity. For example, the frequency would have instantaneous values and the spectrum would be a high dimensional manifold. The initial seminal single paper (Huang et al, 1998, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A454, 903-995) introducing this idea has been cited near 24,000 times as of now (Google Scholar, October 2021). It was lauded by NASA as ‘one of the most important discoveries in the field of applied mathematics in NASA history.’ This method could be applied from turbulence to brain waves. In this talk, some typical applications would be presented that includes the following topics: Wave-turbulence Interactions, Brain Sciences and Potential Electric Pharmacy; Machinery Health Monitoring; Infrastructure Health Monitoring and Auditory Science, Hearing Aids.