题目:Nikhil R Pal院士学术报告通知:用于可视化、系统识别和流形学习结构保持的降维模糊方法

报告人:Nikhil R Pal院士
Nikhil R. Pal是电子和通信科学部的教授,也是印度统计研究所人工智能和机器学习中心的负责人。他目前的研究方向包括脑科学、计算智能、机器学习和数据挖掘。2005年1月至2010年12月期间,他担任IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems的主编。他曾/一直在多个期刊的编辑/顾问委员会/指导委员会任职,包括International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,Applied Soft Computing,International Journal of Neural Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems和IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics。他是2015年IEEE计算智能学会(CIS)模糊系统先锋奖和2021年IEEE CIS卓越服务奖的获得者。他在计算智能领域的不同主要国际会议上发表了许多全体会议/主题演讲。他曾担任多个会议的总主席、项目主席和联合项目主席。他曾是IEEE CIS的杰出讲师(2010-2012、2016-2018、2022-2024),并且是IEEE CIS管理委员会的成员(2010-2012)。他曾担任IEEE CIS出版副总裁(2013-2016)和IEEE CIS主席(2018-2019)。他是印度国家科学院、印度国家工程院、印度国家科学院、国际模糊系统协会(IFSA)、世界西孟加拉邦科学技术学院、电子和远程通信工程师学会研究员,也是美国IEEE的会员。
题目:Academic Report Notice of Nikhil R Pal:Fuzzy approaches to structure preserving dimensionality reduction for visualization, systems identification, and manifold learning
Speaker: Academician Nikhil R Pal

Title: Fuzzy approaches to structure preserving dimensionality reduction for visualization, systems identification, and manifold learning
Time: 10:30 am, July 16, 2022 (Saturday)
Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aB4gmRcUATAMA2iJqi-xXvtfPFfTbxVJPxSW_pcAPBao1%40thread.tacv2/1638719716825?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2222804ebb-30d5-47df-942f-f3a3722f0225%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2216a60c03-ad7a-4b85-a403-8ebd947e010c%22%7d
How relevant is dimensionality reduction in this era of big data/AI/ML when we train networks with about 175 billion free parameters? In my view, it is still relevant and important because even today all problems are not big data problems; all problems do not involve texts and/or images; and many problems cannot rely on black-box models. Moreover, usually these black-box systems cannot deal with the open-world nature of real-life decision making systems. Consequently, dimensionality reduction, data visualization, transparency of a decision making system, and its ability to cope with the open-world problems are important. We shall discuss these issues and explain how fuzzy systems can realize the desirable attributes of a decision making system. Next I shall discuss designing of fuzzy systems for these tasks: dimensionality reduction preserving the geometric structure of the data; an unique integrated approach to feature selection and system identification; and manifold learning when a high dimensional data lie essentially on a lower dimensional manifold. Some of these are first attempts. I shall demonstrate how easily such a system can refrain from making a decision when it should. Finally, I shall discuss some of the problems that need further investigation.
Personal Introduction:
Nikhil R. Pal is a Professor in the Electronics and Communication Sciences Unit and is the Head of the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning of the Indian Statistical Institute. His current research interest includes brain science, computational intelligence, machine learning and data mining. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems for the period January 2005-December 2010. He has served/been serving on the editorial /advisory board/ steering committee of several journals including the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Applied Soft Computing, International Journal of Neural Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. He is a recipient of the 2015 IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award and 2021 IEEE CIS Meritorious Service Award. He has given many plenary/keynote speeches in different premier international conferences in the area of computational intelligence. He has served as the General Chair, Program Chair, and co-Program chair of several conferences. He has been a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE CIS (2010-2012, 2016-2018, 2022-2024) and was a member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE CIS (2010-2012). He has served as the Vice-President for Publications of the IEEE CIS (2013-2016) and the President of the IEEE CIS (2018-2019). He is a Fellow of the West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology, Institution of Electronics and Tele Communication Engineers, National Academy of Sciences, India, Indian National Academy of Engineering, Indian National Science Academy, International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA), The World Academy of Sciences, and a Fellow of the IEEE, USA. (www.isical.ac.in/~nikhil)
[Editor: Jian Wang]