(1)报告题目:Infinite families of 3-designs and 2-designs from almost MDS codes
Combinatorial designs are closely related to linear codes. Recently, some near MDS codes were employed to construct t-designs by Ding and Tang, which settles the question regarding whether there exists an infinite family of near MDS codes holding an infinite family of t-designs for t>=2. In this talk, I will introduce some constructions of infinite families of 3-designs and 2designs from special equations overfinite fields. First, I will present an infinite family of almost MDS codes over GF(pm) holding an infinite family of 3-designs. Then I will provide an infinite family of almost MDS codes over GF(pm) holdingan infinite family of 2 designs for any Field GF(q). In particular, some of these almost MDS codes are near MDS. Second, I will present an infinite family of near MDS codes over GF(2m) holding an infinite family of 3-designs by considering the number of roots of a special linearized polynomial. Compared to previous constructions of 3-designs or 2designs from linear codes, the parameters of some of our designs are new and flexible. This is a joint work with Guangkui Xu and Longjiang Qu.
(2)报告题目:How Much Entanglement Does a Quantum Code Need?
报告人简介:罗高骏,2019年于南京航空航天大学获得博士学位,现于新加坡南洋理工大学从事博士后研究,主要从事代数组合与代数编码的研究工作,在国内外著名期刊杂志发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI、EI检索20多篇,是 IEEE Trans IT, IEEE Trans COM, Designs, Codes and Crypto, Finite Fields Appl, CCDS, Discrete Math, Quantum Information Processing等杂志的审稿人。2017年获得江苏省科学技术奖。担任美国数学评论和德国数学文摘评论员。
In the setting of entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECCs), the sender and the receiver have access to pre-shared entanglement. Such codes promise better information rates or improved error handling properties. Entanglement incurs costs and must be judiciously calibrated in designing quantum codes with good performance, relative to their deployment parameters. Revisiting known constructions, we devise tools from classical coding theory to better understand how the amount of entanglement can be varied. We present three new propagation rules and discuss how each of them affects the error handling. Tables listing the parameters of the best performing qubit and qutrit EAQECCs that we can explicitly construct are supplied for reference and comparison.