报告人:Marco Dorigo 院士

报告链接:Teams Link
(iii) 具有可合并神经系统的机器人,即既能在机器人群的组织中引入集中化元素,同时又能保留自组织的优势。
Marco Dorigo院士于1992年在意大利米兰理工大学获得电子工程博士学位,现任比利时国家科学研究中心终身研究员、ULB人工智能实验室IRIDIA联合主任、《Swarm Intelligence》期刊主编,以及其他有关计算智能和自适应系统期刊的编辑委员会成员,曾任加利福尼亚州伯克利国际计算机科学研究所研究员、NATO-CNR研究员、玛丽-居里研究员。Marco Dorigo院士是AAAI、EurAI和IEEE的成员,也是ERC高级资助获得者,曾获许多国际奖项,其中包括2003年的玛丽-居里优秀奖,2015年的IEEE弗兰克-罗森布拉特奖以及2016年的IEEE进化计算先锋奖。
Academic Report Notice of Marco Dorigo:New ideas for designing and implementing robot swarms
Speaker: Professor Marco Dorigo

Title: New ideas for designing and implementing robot swarms
Time: 14:30-15:30, April 11th, 2023 (Tuesday)
Website: Teams Link
Swarm robotics is about constructing and controlling swarms of autonomous robots that cooperate to perform tasks that go beyond the capabilities of the single robots in the swarm. Robot swarms are advertised as robotic systems with inherent fault tolerance, scalability and parallel operation. However, in current robot swarms these properties are present only to a very limited extent. In the talk, I will propose and discuss a few research directions to address and possibly overcome these limitations. In particular, I will present (i) property-driven design, a methodology to address the micro-macro link problem; (ii) design patterns for robot swarms, that provide formal guidelines to deal with recurring problems; and (iii) robots with mergeable nervous systems, which introduces elements of centralisation in the organisation of a robot swarm without losing the benefits of self-organisation.
Personal Introduction:
Marco Dorigo received the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering in 1992 from Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. From 1992 to 1993, he was a Research Fellow at the International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, CA. In 1993, he was a NATO-CNR Fellow, and from 1994 to 1996, a Marie Curie Fellow. Since 1996, he has been a tenured Researcher of the FNRS, the Belgian National Funds for Scientific Research, and co-director of IRIDIA, the artificial intelligence laboratory of the ULB. His current research interests include swarm intelligence, swarm robotics, and metaheuristics for discrete optimization. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Swarm Intelligence, and a member of the editorial boards of many journals on computational intelligence and adaptive systems. Dr. Dorigo is a Fellow of the AAAI, EurAI, and IEEE and ERC Advanced Grant recipient. He was awarded numerous international prizes among which the Marie Curie Excellence Award in 2003, the IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award in 2015, and the IEEE Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award, awarded in 2016.
[Editor:Jian Wang]